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Showing posts from February, 2024

The Roar of The Internet

In the film Avatar, directed by James Cameron, there is a sentence that I can't forget, maybe our civilization can't forget it either. "Humans are born twice, their second birth is when they are accepted into society forever." Globalization Globalization spread like lightning with the support of the internet. A few seconds later, the news from Chicago was heard in Cicaheum, a small region in Indonesia. Globalization as an intention to develop markets, is now used as a cause of progress throughout the earth. For the American and European explorers themselves, perhaps initially this rapid change also caused an earthquake. That's why there is the term industrial revolution. Change is uncomfortable for anyone, but it is inevitable. Sometimes it develops from negative intentions and is then assimilated to form positive things. Or even starting from positive actions, the next time we stumble into a mire of negativity. Whether you realize it or not, there is a great forc...