"Humans are born twice, their second birth is when they are accepted into society forever."
Globalization spread like lightning with the support of the internet. A few seconds later, the news from Chicago was heard in Cicaheum, a small region in Indonesia. Globalization as an intention to develop markets, is now used as a cause of progress throughout the earth.
For the American and European explorers themselves, perhaps initially this rapid change also caused an earthquake. That's why there is the term industrial revolution. Change is uncomfortable for anyone, but it is inevitable.
Sometimes it develops from negative intentions and is then assimilated to form positive things. Or even starting from positive actions, the next time we stumble into a mire of negativity. Whether you realize it or not, there is a great force that always balances things.
If you don't want to admit the existence of God, just call it natural, so that we don't get caught up in a long debate about the name of this all-powerful substance. Not worth it yet.
So globalization is no longer a raw material but has become a ready-to-eat dish that many people on earth enjoy. However, this leaves struggles for traditional communities who are still shackled by traditional and cultural accessories.
It is not easy to find similarities in humans. In a long process, the human body originates from the earth, from the earth which has an inert nature. So he is skilled at digging up the earth's resources and then careless about digging up the true sources from himself.
Globalization seems to give people awareness about the potential of their six-pack body. It seems that balance comes with a priority scale, you can't immediately change two sides to be balanced.
Even though it originates from a magical inner will, it has no standards, it still has to be an item. That is the standard for assessing fellow materials, which come from the ground.
Tradition Struggle
The industrial revolution that was initially celebrated gradually found its boiling point. Global warming has triggered world awareness about the need to save the earth from destruction due to industrial processes.
The power of human reasoning is so great. After the atom could be split, the discovery of genetics had also accelerated into their dreams. The idea of bringing Jurassic animals back to life in Steven Spielberg's Jurassic films may soon become a reality.
The power of human reasoning is so great. After atoms could be split, genetic engineering had also accelerated into their dreams. The idea of bringing Jurassic animals back to life in Steven Spielberg's Jurassic films may soon become a reality.
So the old traditions, which were only guided by magical beliefs, are being secretly convinced by new discoveries. Everything turns out to be nothing supernatural when humans realize that they have a brilliant brain as a scalpel for their life's problems.
In fact, the term occult itself is still on the dissection table of human scientific laboratories. Invisibility is no longer something sacred, not something that does not occupy space and time. So far, the meaning of the supernatural has traditionally been forced without a definition. Just believe it.
That's why now goods that contain supernatural things don't sell anymore. So people who are considered to have supernatural abilities have to beg for a living in the world of celebrity. Become an entertainment person.
Such work is better for entertainment than fooling the public. Today's civilization will not return to old traditions. Supernatural activities have become a staple of the entertainment world.
Supernatural activity creates a lot of work for CGI artists. How to create spectacular scenes of supernatural things to visualize, truly wetlands to rake in dollars.
Internet Like Buraq
In this era, the roar of the internet is as fast as the Prophet's vehicle during Isra-Mi'raj, namely Buraq which means lightning. The term lightning refers to the speed at which the vehicle moves, because it has to travel long distances in one day and one night.
Due to internet speed, the term developed country is fading. Biased by the progress of developing countries affected by the earthquake of knowledge via the internet. They were even running fast to catch up.
The internet seems to have its own sovereignty. It cannot be stopped by the limits of a country's sovereignty. Today there are still countries that feel the need to limit information from outside their country. In the next future, ideas will begin to emerge on how to unite the world into one state system.
It is possible that the world will have one leader. This is better than having a country feel like it is the world's policeman. It's useless if you're like the traffic police, who only have the ability to organize and issue tickets.
Nowadays, the traditions and customs of a country only have unique value. At best, it is recorded by the UN as part of the world's cultural treasures. Meanwhile, world society is moving towards the same passions and tastes.
Human curiosity has invaded everything. It turns out that supernatural things can be seen under a microscope and many other sensory devices immediately satisfy human curiosity. They have snatched atomic science and genetics from fairies and angels.
Human sensors themselves have long picked up a big signal radiating from themselves, that this earth has actually been handed over to them for a long time.
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