Childhood in Bandung-Indonesia around the 1980s was typical. It could be said that the atmosphere of fear cultivated by the colonialists is still felt. Even though decades have passed. Before there was social media, there were flyers that dared to determine the date of the end of the world. Out of nowhere, a friend suddenly showed it with a frightened face, because the leaflet was in the name of the holder of the Kaaba key. I was fooled too, so I diligently recited the Koran and queued with my friends and apologized to the Koran teacher. The Koran teacher just smiled and emphasized that no one knows when the apocalypse will happen.
The leaflet was also accompanied by a threat to distribute 10 copies of it so that they would not suffer the same fate as several world leaders who were punished by their people. The hoax via this leaflet is quite insightful, for example that Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was hanged because he did not distribute the leaflet.
Apocalypse Meaning
The 2012 film is also widely referred to as an apocalypse film. Even though the film turned out to be more like the film Noah's Ark. It's just that those who can join the ark have to pay a high price, it's not enough just to believe that a big flood will come. So the apocalypse is used as a trigger to make the film's tension stronger and entertain the audience. Apart from that, CGI technology also plays a role in making scenes look real. Apart from the 2012 film, there are also several other films with the same theme about world destruction for different reasons.
In religious beliefs, of course the apocalypse does not always mean the destruction of the world, but death is also called a small apocalypse. But no one dares to say that the apocalypse version of the destruction of the universe will actually never occur, as long as humans follow their consciousness as God's representatives on earth. Another reason for the apocalypse could also mean that someone whose life has been devastated by crime then comes to his senses and rises to improve his behavior. Because in the story of belief in the apocalypse, after being destroyed there is a resurrection. Meanwhile, we often say that humans are a small universe.
So, regarding the apocalypse that hasn't happened yet, instead of waiting for hoaxes from the holder of the key to the Kaaba, it's better to join in gossiping with theoretical physicists like Stephen Hawking or Oppenheimer and others. In 2016, Hawking predicted that the earth would only have 100 years left. The reason is that the earth is experiencing climate change, asteroid attacks, epidemics and rapid human population growth.
Therefore, the earth is experiencing global warming so that it will turn red like the barren planet Venus, running out of oxygen. Global warming and the increasing human population are Stephen's notes. Meanwhile, when Oppenheimer was involved in the Manhattan project to make an atomic bomb, he whispered to Einstein because he was afraid that his project would destroy the whole world, "I'm sure we will do it," he said quietly.
Judging from the ruins, the Aad and Thamud people also seem to have had great technology. The story is written in the Islamic holy book. Being able to create a settlement by hollowing out a hill is not an ordinary thing. Abdul Rojak from Tasikmaya, Indonesia, just dug a hole in a hill 180 meters long to get water and had to sell his buffalo and land. Moreover, if you have to build a settlement, of course it's not just a matter of calculating the costs involved. But we also mobilized a number of architects who mastered design and construction technology.
Whoever Sows the Wind Will Reap the Storm
The apocalypse certainly cannot be separated from the law of cause and effect. It's up to you whether it's a small apocalypse or a big apocalypse. So the apocalypse clearly didn't suddenly happen. Religious beliefs cannot stand alone without science. Because life turns out to be a network, there is a connection between the universe and living creatures and their beliefs. This kind of connection was shown by the Navi nation on the planet Pandora in the film Avatar.
So here it becomes clear, what is the role of two-legged living creatures called humans. If we believe that there is similar life in other dimensions or in other solar systems, then humans still play a major role in maintaining the universe. Because of what happened to the world, humans also started it.
So it is not too wrong that in the past there was a belief that the earth was the center of the solar system. This geocentric theory was put forward by a Greek expert named Claudius Ptolemy. The geocentric theory states that all objects in our solar system move relative to the earth. Perhaps what he wanted to say is that the universe depends on the behavior of the inhabitants of the earth. Residents who are sensible and capable of making changes.
It's just a matter of how God's beloved creature who is a representative in this world manages himself so as not to become a demon. Humans can predict the apocalypse which is considered taboo in religious beliefs. This means it can also prevent the apocalypse from happening. So don't let the earth be destroyed when we can calculate when the apocalypse will occur and its causes.
Agents of The Apocalypse
But this time the scary 2012 film will no longer be a panacea for awakening people or scaring people. The audience already knows it can be done on computer graphics. Just like the doomsday leaflets I got as a kid. Over time knowledge increases and increasingly discourages beliefs based on unreasonable fears.
Later apocalypse films must move from human awareness of their ability to make atomic bombs. We already know the terrible consequences of an atomic bomb explosion. Especially if we explode a nuclear bomb. So who can actually bring about the apocalypse?
Maybe we should start thinking about apocalypse films that start from the small universe, namely humans. So that people like Oppenheimer don't regret it later. In the Sundanese-Indonesian tribe, there is a joke said by one of the wayang characters named Cepot, "kudu bisa paeh saacana paeh" means in the dictionary you must be able to die before you die. This means that we have to be able to think about what the consequences will be if we do something.
Of all the changes that occur on earth, we should be aware that we are the ones who can protect or destroy the earth. Because God will not bear to cause the universe he has built to be destroyed, except by his representatives on earth.
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